Ma’s Home Fries

My Ma, Judy Colemanone of my fabulous mother-in-laws, makes the BEST home fries, and has graciously taught me how to make them. This no-recipe recipe can be made with a few ingredients that I usually have on hand and half an hour. Frying and steaming the potatoes and onions simultaneously yields beautifully browned, crisp, and tender morsels with pops of sweetness and umami from the caramelized onions.


Recipe Type: No Recipe Recipe 

Time: 30 min 

Servings: Customizable (The following guidance makes enough for 2. Scale up as needed.)

From: French Omelette & Ma’s Home Fries


3 small/medium potatoes per person - peeled and diced into 1 inch cubes 

½ onion

Cooking Oil 

Pantry spices (I used onion powder/garlic powder/and Slap Yo Mamma Cajun spice mix)

Salt and Pepper to Taste

Chopped fresh herbs you have on hand (optional for garnish)

Sour cream or crème fraîche (optional)


Nonstick frying pan, 8” or bigger

Lid for pan (or baking sheet to cover)

Wooden Spoon


  1. Wash and peel potatoes (if you have a thin skinned potato, you can leave skin on) and cut into 1 inch pieces. Cut half an onion into ½ inch slices. 

  2. Heat nonstick frying pan over medium high heat and add 2-3 teaspoons of some cooking oil (olive, grape seed, sunflower, etc.).

  3. Once the oil is hot, add potatoes and onions to the pan. Sprinkle with your preferred spices and add 2-3 teaspoons of water on top of the potatoes. Cover the pan and cook. You’ll hear the potatoes/onions sizzle while cook. This is great! Leave them alone to do their thing for 2-3 minutes. 

  4. After 2-3 minutes, lift the lid and give the potatoes/onions a stir and cover again. Lower the heat to medium and continue stirring every 2-4 minutes. The lid and water will steam the potatoes until they become fall-apart tender while the heat from the bottom of the pan/stove will brown the potatoes and caramelize the onions. If you notice the potatoes starting to burn, then lower the heat and/or add more cooking oil. 

  5. Continue cooking and stirring the potatoes and onions until they are browned and there are lots of crusty bits (around 15-30 minutes). You’ll want to stir the potatoes more frequently toward the end of cooking. 

  6. Serve immediately. If you have any fresh herbs or sour cream/crème fraîche on hands go ahead and top the potatoes with them. 

Breakfast Nachos

Nachos are DELICIOUS, easy to make, and such a crowd pleaser. As a Texas raised queen, I grew up with access to beautiful Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine. My interpretation of nachos is based on the flavors of my home state and is kind of a template that is customizable to your preferences. Bake these beauties on a half-size baking sheet covered with parchment paper for a low mess meal. You can prepare the ingredients the night before and assemble the nachos right before (or as) your guests arrive. Set the whole tray in the center of the table and let everyone dig in. Easy, chic, delicious!

Breakfast Nachos.JPG

Breakfast Nachos

Recipe Type: Quick and Easy, Brunch

Time: 30 minutes


From Le Hangover Party menu


Nacho foundation

  • One bag of tortilla chips

  • Two 8 oz bars of melty cheese. I use a combo of Monterrey Jack and Cheddar you don’t need to buy super fancy cheese for these nachos (you can also buy grated cheese, but usually these cheeses are covered in starch so that it doesn’t stick together in the bag. I don’t much care for that)

  • 1 15 oz. can of re-fried beans

Toppings (this is what I used for this round of nachos, but you can use whatever you want)

  • 2 Sliced fresh or pickled chilis - I used fresh serrano chilis in this batch

  • ½ cup of sliced radishes

  • ¼ cup cilantro (wash/dry and pick leaves off or roughly chop - cilantro stems are tender and you can eat them)

  • 4-5 bacon slices

  • 1 avocado sliced

  • 1 lime cut into wedges

  • 2-3 green onions sliced

  • White vinegar (optional - a couple tablespoons or so)

  • 4 eggs


  • Cheese Grater

  • Half-size baking sheet

  • Parchment paper 

  • Mandoline (optional for slicing vegetables)

  • Fish spatula 

  • Small saucepan to heat refried beans

  • Skillet to cook bacon


  1. Wash and dry produce in a bowl filled with water and an optional splash of white vinegar (to clean produce).

  2. If using bacon, cook the bacon in a skillet. Once cooked, remove from pan onto a paper towel lined plate.

  3. Heat canned refried beans in a saucepan with a lid (optional thin out the beans with a little water). Once the beans are bubbling, take them off heat and set aside.

  4. Chop/slice/prep all the toppings for your nachos, grate cheese, and set ingredients aside. If you’re planning to make the nachos the next day cover and store in fridge.

  5. 15 minutes before you’re ready to heat your nachos, preheat oven to 350 ℉.

  6. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and spread chips evenly over the sheet. Distribute re-fried beans over the chips. Then, top with as much cheese as you want. The key to a great bite is to make sure that you cover as many chips with some cheese/beans. Be equitable and intentional in how you distribute ingredients. 

  7. Pop the nachos into the oven until the cheese melts. This takes around 10 minutes give or take a few depending on your oven. Keep your eye on the oven. The nachos are ready when the cheese is melted and oozy.

  8. When the cheese on the nachos are nearly melted to perfection, begin to fry the eggs. I believe a fish spatula is the best spatula for fried eggs. Set aside on a plate when fried. 

  9. Pull the hot nachos out of the oven and scatter all of the toppings all over the nachos and top with the fried eggs.

Breakfast Nachos Hand.JPG

How to Serve

Serve immediately family style with lacto-fermented hot sauce. I simply put the whole baking sheet in the middle of my table (on top of a trivet or towel of course). Enjoy!