Squash Blossom Quesadillas

Squash blossoms are the vibrant orange flowers from zucchini (or squash) plant that have a delicate vegetal flavor. I try to pick mine up at the farmers market in the morning before they start wilting and cook them right away. While I adore them deep friend and stuffed with cheese, putting them into a quesadilla (Oaxacan style) with some homemade lacto-fermented hot sauce is just as fabulous, but much easier to make.

Make sure to read my Farmer’s Market Tips & Etiquette and Le Summer Produce Party menu!


Recipe Type: Quick and Easy, Vegetarian

Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4


Tortillas (corn or flour)

½-1 cup grated Oaxaca cheese or any other melty cheese (Monterey Jack)

Squash blossoms (1-2 per quesadilla depending on the size of your tortilla)

Hot sauce 


Nonstick skillet

Cheese grater


  1. Squash blossoms are delicate so be very careful when washing them. Plan to wash them right before eating and submerge in cold water before drying on paper towels. Check the blossoms for any critters.

  2. Grate cheese and set aside. Place skillet on stove set to medium heat

  3. Heat one tortilla in a skillet until it browns nicely flipping to ensure that both sides brown. Once the tortillas are heated to your desired doneness, place grated cheese evenly on one side of tortilla while it is on the pan and let it start to melt. Take care not to burn the tortilla. 

  4. Slide the tortilla onto a plate and then put one or two squash blossoms on one side of the tortilla and fold in half. The heat of the tortilla will melt the cheese and then slightly wilt squash blossoms. Repeat with the remaining tortillas. 

  5. Optional - reheat folded quesadillas to warm up right before serving (if they’ve cooled down or if you want to melt the cheese).

How to Serve

Serve immediately with hot-sauce