I live for cold brewed coffee. I drink her all four seasons. You will find me in the dead of winter in a furry hat and parka clutching a cold brew with my mittens. Sometimes I take her with a splash of whole milk. Sometimes, I want her crispy, cold, and black. My new schedule requires that I wake up at 6 am on certain mornings and on those days, cold brew coffee is my one true light and joy. The thing is, cold brew is REALLY EASY to make and hell of a lot cheaper than buying it out. Also, it’s super eco-friendly to byo coffee rather than contributing to all the single-use plastic/paper waste.
Recipe Type: Quick and Easy
Time: 24 hours and 15 minutes to filter
Servings: 6
From Le Hangover Party
64 grams coarsely ground coffee
800 ml of water
4 cup French Press
Stainless steel pour over coffee filter or a paper coffee filter over a mesh strainer (optional)
A vessel to strain your coffee into the first time (optional)
A vessel to store your liquid gold
First round of filtering
If you have a coffee grinder, grind the beans on the coarsest setting right before brewing. If you don’t (which we don’t in Paris) ask the place where you bought your beans to grind the bag for you. I learned that for cold brew, if the beans are ground too fine, then the bitter flavors will be more prominent in your final cold brew. The ratio for cold brew is 80 grams of coffee per liter of water. Since I have a 4 cup French Press (and a liter is around 4.23 cups), I adjusted my measurements to 64 grams of coffee and 800 ml of water (80% of the original).
Place coffee grinds into the French Press and fill with water. Mix the coffee with a spoon and set the lid on the french press and press slightly. Do not fully press down on the plunger. Set aside at room temperature and let the coffee brew for 24 hours.
After 24 hours, plunge the french press. You can serve as is, or if you want a smooth ass brew, pour through the stainless steel pour over filter (or paper filter) into the first vessel. This first filter takes a longer time. You may need to rinse out the filter in the middle of the batch.
After the first round of filtering, rinse out the filter and place over the final storage vessel. Filter the cold brew a second time. This time should be much quicker.
How to Serve
Final filtration
Store cold brew in the fridge and serve over ice.