Brunch: French Omelette & Ma's Home Fries


Ma’s Home Fries

French Omelette (or eggs however you like them)


It’s gorgeous in Paris today. The sun is shining, flowers are beginning to bloom, and the air smells of spring. Romaine and I took a walk this morning along the Seine River to soak up some much needed sunshine. The mood in Paris is somber. Non-essential businesses in Paris have closed starting today—per government mandate. It seems that there are fewer people out and about in our neighborhood. At the boulangerie people have self-organized and spaced themselves one meter away from each other. I left Romaine outside the boulangerie, grabbed our baguette, and hurried home to prepare lunch. 

After thoroughly sanitizing our things, taking a quick shower, and washing my hands for 20 seconds, I began to cook. I made a French omelette and one of my mother-in-law's home fries (I am fortunate to have two lovely mother-in-laws ), and sauteed some white asparagus and mushrooms that I needed to use up. If you have eggs, an onion, potatoes, some dried spices, and cooking fat, then you too can make this simple comforting meal.